Kamis, 25 Desember 2008

Manual configuration WAP over GPRS

Only GSM Operator Telkomsel @ Indonesia

Connection Name : APN Telkomsel

• Data Bearer : GPRS

• Access Point Name : telkomsel

• Username : wap

• Prompt Password : No

• Password : wap123

• Authentication : Normal

• Gateway IP address :

• Homepage : http://wap.telkomsel.com

• Connection Security : Off

• Session Mode : Permanent

src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js" type="text/javascript">

Nokia N-Gage QD

• Choose Menu to get the main menu

• Choose Tools

• Choose Setting

• Choose Connection

• Choose Option

• Choose New Access Point

• Input Parameter sebagai berikut

• Connection Name : WAP over GPRS

• Data Bearer : GPRS

• Access Point Name : telkomsel

• User Name : wap

• Password : wap123

• Prompt Password : No

• Authentication : Normal

• IP Address :

• Homepage : http://wap.telkomsel.com

• Connection Security : off

• Session Mode : Permanent

Manual Configuration MMS over GPRS

Common Parameter

• Connection Name : APN MMS

• Data Bearer : GPRS

• Access Point Name : mms

• Username : wap

• Prompt Password : No

• Password : wap123

• Authentication : Normal

• Gateway IP address :

• Homepage : http://mms.telkomsel.com

• Connection Security : Off

• Session Mode : Permanent

Nokia N-Gage QD

• Choose Menu to get the main menu

• Choose Tools

• Choose Setting

• Choose COnnection

• Choose Option

• Choose New Access Point

• Fill Parameter as

• Connection Name : GPRS MMS

• Data Bearer : GPRS

• Access Point Name : mms

• User Name : wap

• Password : wap123

• Prompt Password : No

• Authentication : Normal

• IP Address :

• Homepage : http://mms.telkomsel.com/

• Connection Security : Off

• Session Mode : Permanent

• Back To Main Menu

• Choose Messaging

• Choose Options

• Choose Settings

• Choose Multimedia message

• Fill Parameter as

• Preffered connection : GPRS MMS

• Seconday connection : None

• Multimedia reception : Always on

• On receiving msg. : Retr. immediately

• Allow anon. messages : Yes

• Receive adverts : Yes

• Receive reports : Yes

• Deny report sending : No

• Message validity : Maximum time

• Image size : Small (atau Large)

• Default speaker : Loudspeaker


Telkomsel MMS

Data bearer


Access point


user name






gateway ip address

web address


connection security


have a nice try:-)

You Can use This To Help You

Hi...bro...after searching the huge world web...i found this thing that i already use it to copy my file game (MAFIA 1)from old and very damage (scratch) CD...and it can safe 100% ... just like what it called ... unstopable copier :-)

but i think...this tool can never be using on CD that damage from burning process :-(

so this is the file :
Link 1


Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

Tips Pengganti Tanah : Hydrogel-phonix

Tidak selalu tumbuhan tumbuh di atas tanah. Beberapa medium ternyata bisa menggantikan Soil sebagai wadah hidup. unbeliev? Jika kita sempat mendapatkan pelajaran Biologi saat school dulu, menanam plant di atas kapas adalah contoh dan bukti paling sederhana.
Nama hydrogel phonix pada dasarnya terdiri dari dua istilah, yaitu hidro dan phonix. Artinya, media tanam alternatif pengganti tanah dan gell yang maksudnya adalah jeli. Berbahan rumput laut, hydrogel phonix new generation ini tak ubahnya dengan jajanan jeli.
but don't be wrong, jeli yang satu ini bukan untuk dimakan, karena benda ini adalah santapan bagi plant. Meski begitu, bahan dasar yang alami, membuat bahan ini safe. Meski termakan sekalipun,kata Budi Irawan, Owner Delon Collection di Surabaya.

Meski bagi sebagian besar pecinta tanaman hias Tanah Air, media ini terkesan unfamiliar, media tanam ini pada dasarnya sudah tak asing lagi di Negara Jepang. Pemanfaatannya bahkan melebihi farmer that using soil. some benefits, like nutrition enrichment, PH balance, dan unique shape, that making farmer from japan choose this thing. Terlebih keuntungannya yang tak memerlukan banyak matahari, membuat mereka kian tertarik akan hydrogel phonix.

Less Water, sunlight, and color additive

Bukan sihir, bukan pula sulap, using hydrogel phonix membuat plant tak lagi menuntut air dan sinar terlalu banyak. Bahkan disarankan, tanaman yang memakai media tanam hydrogel phonix tak perlu disiram sesering mungkin, karena bahan gell yang ada dalam media tanam tersebut sudah mengandung air yang dibutuhkan tanaman.

Meski begitu, kata Budi lagi, water yang tersimpan tak selalu lepas begitu saja. Gell memiliki fungsi sebagai media penampungnya. Media kita memiliki fungsi menyerap air yang efektif. Ini terlihat pada saat kita menyentuhnya. Meski terkesan basah, media ini tak akan meninggalkan bercak air pada saat kita menaruhnya di white paper sekalipun, imbuhnya.

Untuk itulah, jika menggunakan media tanam ini, sebaiknya tidak terlalu sering menyiram. Bahkan supaya efektif, tanaman tak perlu disiram sama sekali. Tak hanya air, sinar matahari yang jadi unsur penting pertumbuhan tanaman juga tak diperlukan dalam penggunaan media tanam ini.

Proses fotosintesis pada dasarnya dilakukan oleh tumbuhan untuk mendapatkan tanaman. Namun jika hal ini sudah terpenuhi oleh media tanam, maka fotosintesis tak begitu diperlukan,ujar Budi.Tapi sebagai proses pembentukan warna daun, sinar memang diperlukan. Untuk itu sinar lampu sudah cukup,tambahnya.

Meski memiliki beberapa jenis warna yang menarik, namun jenis media tanam ini bisa dikatakan bebas dari bahan pewarna. Warna yang dihasilkan dari media ini berasal dari bahan organik. Apabila ada hydrogel phonix fake, untuk mengetesnya cukup dengan menyentuhnya. Jika menggunakan bahan pewarna, warna yang menempel di tangan susah hilang meski sudah dibilas dengan air beberapa kali.

Easy Maintenance And No Dirt

Keunggulan hidrogel phonix adalah clean. Berbeda dengan tanah, hydrogel phonix tak mengakibatkan banyak serpihan. Untuk itu, meski terjatuh pun media ini tak mengotori lingkungan. Di samping itu, meski terkesan basah, media ini tidak akan memberi noda pada kertas putih sekalipun.

Selain itu, penempatan di pot transparan, memberikan kesan bersih dan terawat. Ini bila dibandingkan dengan media tanah. Selain itu, meski dalam bentuk gell, media ini tak disukai oleh serangga. Untuk itu, tanaman bermedia ini akan lebih terawat dan terjaga kebersihannya.

Beautiful Leaf And Flower Like Artificial

Bila dibandingkan dengan tanaman yang tumbuh di atas tanah, tanaman dengan media hydrogel phonix memiliki keuunggulan di strukturnya. Tak jarang, meski kebanyakan orang menyangka media tanam ini like toy, shining leaf sering membuat orang bertanya, apakah tanaman itu real?

like another organism, makin berkualitas bahan makanan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, maka makin bagus pula efek samping yang akan dihasilkan. Dalam hal ini pertumbuhan organ akan mengalami pertumbuhan yang berkualitas.

Begitu juga dengan tanaman yang memakai media hydrogell phonix. Unsur perkembangan dan makanan yang selalu terpenuhi dan berkualitas, membuat tanaman tumbuh dengan sempurna. Mulai dari color leaf, size of plant yang maksimal sampai bibit yang akan dihasilkan kelak.

Pemenuhan makanan yang rutin dan berkualitas, membuat tanaman tumbuh bagus. Tak jarang mereka tumbuh dengan keindahan laiknya tanaman artificial (bunga palsu), karena bentuknya yang segar dan mengkilap.

Beware To The Fake One!

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, sebenarnya hydrogell phonix sudah pernah ada di Indonesia. Namun khasiatnya yang kurang bagus (dibandingkan tanah) dan efek negatif yang dihasilkan, membuat teknik tanam ini kurang dapat respon positif dari masyarakat.

Sebelum hydrogell phonix dipasarkan sekitar beberapa bulan yang lalu, orang berpendapat, media ini sering membawa masalah. Berjamur dan sering membuat tanaman jadi death adalah beberapa contoh kendala yang sering dihasilkan dari media tanam ini.

Namun lain dulu, lain pula sekarang. Berbahan dasar rumput laut, media hydrogell phonix generasi terbaru lebih aman dan seakan memanjakan tanaman. Meski begitu, seiring maraknya penggunaan hidrogel phonix di masyarakat, membuat banyak orang berusaha mencari keuntungan tanpa memikirkan efek yang akan dihadapi. Beberapa produk berbahan silicon meisalnya. Tak susah untuk mendapatkan hidrogel phonix berbahan ini di pasaran. Meski sepintas memiliki bentuk yang sama, namun dalam hal kualitas, hidrogel phonix jenis ini tidak memberi sedikit pun keuntungan bagi tanaman. Bahkan tanaman sering mati beberapa hari setelah ditanam.

Untuk menghindari bahaya dan dampak dari hidrogel phonix jenis ini, kita dapat membedakan hanya dengan melihatnya. Struktur yang sama, menandakan adanya bantuan pabrik dan bahan kimia. Ini yang pada akhirnya dapat membahayakan tanaman dan beracun,terang Budi. [adi]


Civilization 4 Cheat

Civilization 4

Submitted by: Robert-Michael

Go to the Civ4 game directory and open Civ4Config.
Go to line:
CheatCode = 0 and change it to CheatCode = chipotle

That will enable the cheat-dialog by pressing [SHIFT]+T. From
this dialog you can alter amount of Gold and level of technology for
players in the game.

Submitted by: Haspa

Go to the Civ4 game directory and open Civ4Config.
Go to line:

CheatCode = 0 and change it to CheatCode = chipotle

Open up a game and hit the "~". The console will open
and type in "help". A list of all the cheats will appear.

Heres an example of using a cheat.

Player.setGold 0 100000

Cheat Codes:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "civ4config" file in the game folder.
Change the "CheatCode = 0" line to "CheatCode = chipotle". Press ~ during game play to
display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat

Result Code
Display all console window codes - help
Stop music - Sound.noMusic
Reload audio scripts - Sound.reload
Stop Soundscape from playing - Sound.stopSoundScape
Play sound - AS2D, AS3D, ASSS - Sound.play string [filename]
Finds entities with black emissivity - Graphics.FindBlackPlotsAndCities
Hide attachables - Graphics.HideAttachables
Force light update on all entities - Graphics.ForceLightingUpdate
Rebuild terrain and lighting - Graphics.ReBuildTerrain
Set Hill scale - Graphics.SetHillScale [floating number]
Set Peak scale - Graphics.SetPeakScale [floating number]
Set water plane height - Graphics.setWaterHeight [floating number]
Set render depth for quad tree - Graphics.quadTreeDepth [integer]
Toggle water - Graphics.toggleWater
Display terrain - Graphics.displayTerrain bool bOn
Toggle grids - Graphics.toggleGridMode
Dump texture palette - Graphics.showTexturePalette
Set texturing - Graphics.setTextureMode bool bOn
Set wireframe - Graphics.setWireframe bool bOn
Morph the globeview count times. - Profile.morphGlobe [integer]
Rebuild city indicated number of times - Profile.rebuildCity [x coordinate],
[y coordinate], [integer]
Rebuild plot indicated number of times - Profile.rebuildPlot [x coordinate],
[y coordinate], [integer]
Dump animation information to debugging window - Profile.dumpAnimLog
Set minimum time to capture spikes; set to 0
to disable spikelock - Profile.setSpikeThreshold [milliseconds]
Dump console command history Console.History
Writes HTML documentation for the current
console commands - Console.CreateDocumentation [filename]
Clear the console - Console.Clear
Display current logging status - Log.status
Toggle logging - Log.toggle
Clear the log file - Log.clear
Erase units and cities from map - Map.empty
Fill map with units and cities for performance
testing - Map.fill
Replot Goodies - Map.generateGoodies
Replot Bonuses - Map.generateBonuses
Replot Features - Map.generateFeatures
Replot Rivers - Map.generateRivers
Erase Rivers, Features, Bonuses and Goodies - Map.eraseGameElements
Replace Rivers, Features, Bonuses and Goodie - Map.replaceGameElements
Change the active landscape info - Map.setActiveLandscapeID [landscape number]
Erase all plots - Map.erasePlots
Reload Game Text xml files - Xml.reloadGameText
Reload Civ4TerrainSettings.xml - Xml.reloadLandscapeInfo
Reload Civ4ArtDefines.xml - Xml.reloadArtDefines
Toggle output of texture loads/accesses
to debug output - Game.toggleTextureAccessInfo
Force AI to play for indicated number of turns - Game.AIPlay [integer]
Create sequences associated with the selected
unit - Game.createSelectedUnitKFs
Free sequences associated with the selected - Game.freeSelectedUnitKFs
Save WorldBuilder save description file - Game.saveWorldBuilderSave [filename]
Toggle Animation Test Tool - Game.toggleAnimationTest
Show GFC directory chooser - Game.gfcDirChooser
Show GFC file dlg window - Game.gfcfiledlg
Show GFC test popup - Game.testGFC [integer]
Show test popup - Game.testFont bool bEnable
Show the Python test popup - Game.testPythonPopup
Show test popup - Game.testPopup
Scroll to the bottom - Game.scrollBottom
Scroll to the top - Game.scrollTop
Clear the listbox below - Game.clear
Display the help popup - Game.helpScreen
Toggle debug mode - Game.toggleDebugMode
Debugging - Game.showWBPalette bool bCreate
Compute md5 checksum for directory tree - App.calcFolderChechsum [directory]
Set debugging value - App.setMooseDbg2 [integer]
Set debugging value - App.setMooseDbg1 [integer]
TGA full screen shot in .ScreenShot directory;
requires "AllowScreenShots=1" in ini. - App.takeFullScreenShot
TGA screen shot in .ScreenShot directory;
requires "AllowScreenShots=1" in ini. - App.takeScreenShot
Set maximum frame rate; 0 to disable - App.setMaxFrameRate [floating number]
Update existing value in the ini file - App.setIniFile [group key], [key], [value]
Crash game - App.crash
Return the application link time - App.getBuildTime
Test player unit iteration - Player.testUnitIter [integer]
Change players gold; 0 is active player - Player.changeGold [player number], [gold]
Set players gold; 0 is active player - Player.setGold [player number], [gold]

City editor:
Highlight a city, then press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + Left Mouse Button.

Submitted by: michael

When playing, and after activating the Game.toggleDebugMode cheat,
if you press + the technology that you were working towards will be finished.

Carrying out multiple tasks:
You can order your great persons to carry out multiple tasks the same way you can order
your workers by holding [Shift]. For example, you can order your great scientist to
join the city as a specialist ten times, get some techs, and finally build an academy
all that with only one scientist.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff:
Hardcore strategy gamers will sometimes want to control every tiny aspect of building
up their empire. If this detail-oriented style of play does not suit you, remember to
use the game’s built-in automation. The computer can be set to handle menial tasks
like border defense or assigning labor units to deal with minor repairs, leaving you
to deal with the only the grandest, big ticket projects.

One Civilization Under God:
You can soften resistance at the edges of your domain by making sure that you and your
neighbors share the same religion. Build cities in line with nearby religions, or try
to convince other societies to adopt your chosen beliefs. The religion feature in
Civilization IV is new, and won’t affect the entire game, but it can be used as an
extra tool to shape your diplomatic efforts.

Debug mode commands:
Use the following commands after enabling the Game.toggleDebugMode code.

Result Command
World editor - [Ctrl] + W
Decrease highlighted unit's strength by 0.2 - [Shift] + [
Increase highlighted unit's strength by 0.2 - [Shift] + ]
Increase gold by 1000 - [Ctrl] + 4
Display debug menu - [Ctrl] + D
Insert unit/city - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + Left Mouse Button
Increase highlighted city's population by 1 - [Shift] + [Plus]
Increase highlighted city's culture by 10 - [Ctrl] + [Plus]
Instant production completion for highlighted - [Plus]
Level up highlighted unit - [Ctrl] + [Plus]

Submitted by: Brian Sebetic
Just hit escape while playing and go to World builder. You can do a lot of damage...

Hex Cheat:
Submitted by: aashka

Forget Cheat Codes...if winning is your only aim then read further

-Open civEd or civ4Ed document(which is an edit document)
-Go to Tools
-Unclick 'Use Default Rules'
-Go to Rules/Edit/Civilizations
-Select Units in civilizations window
-Select Unit Type and Change 'Available to' (your civilization's name)..do this according
to your liking,other civilizations won't be able to produce more than warriors if you
unselect all units to just your civ
-Change a few other rules if you want...n don't forget to save the changes made!!
-Now play any mode,you would win in even deity mode.

Senin, 17 November 2008

Equity Loan : What and How It's Works

A home-equity loan, also known as a second mortgage, lets homeowners borrow money by leveraging the equity in their homes. Home-equity loans exploded in popularity in 1996 as they provided a way for consumers to somewhat circumvent that year's tax changes, which eliminated deductions for the interest on most consumer purchases. With a home-equity loan, homeowners can borrow up to $100,000 and still deduct all of the interest when they file their tax returns. Here we go over how these loans work and how they may pose both benefits and pitfalls.

Two Types of Home-Equity Loans Home equity loans come in two varieties - fixed-rate loans and lines of credit - and both types are available with terms that generally range from five to 15 years. Another similarity is that both types of loans must be repaid in full if the home on which they are borrowed is sold.
Fixed-Rate Loans
Fixed-rate loan provide a single, lump-sum payment to the borrower, which is repaid over a set period of time at an agreed-upon interest rate. The payment and interest rate remain the same over the lifetime of the loan.
Home-Equity Line of Credit
A home-equity line of credit (HELOC) is a variable-rate loan that works much like a credit card and, in fact, sometimes comes with one. Borrowers are pre-approved for a certain spending limit and can withdraw money when they need it via a credit card or special checks. Monthly payments vary based on the amount of money borrowed and the current interest rate. Like fixed-rate loans, the HELOC has a set term. When the end of the term is reached, the outstanding loan amount must be repaid in full.
Benefits for Consumers Home-equity loans provide an easy source of cash. The interest rate on a home-equity loan - although higher than that of a first mortgage - is much lower than on credit cards and other consumer loans. As such, the number-one reason consumers borrow against the value of their homes via a fixed-rate home equity loan is to pay off credit card balances (according to bankrate.com). Interest paid on a home-equity loan is also tax deductible, as we noted earlier. So, by consolidating debt with the home-equity loan, consumers get a single payment, a lower interest rate and tax benefits.

Benefits for Lenders
Home-equity loans are a dream come true for a lender, who, after earning interest and fees on the borrower's initial mortgage, earns even more interest and fees. If the borrower defaults, the lender gets to keep all the money earned on the initial mortgage and all the money earned on the home-equity loan; plus the lender gets to repossess the property, sell it again and restart the cycle with the next borrower. From a business-model perspective, it's tough to think of a more attractive arrangement.

The Right Way to Use a Home-Equity Loan Home-equity loans can be valuable tools for responsible borrowers. If you have a steady, reliable source of income and know that you will be able to repay the loan, its low interest rate and tax deductibility of paid interest makes it a sensible alternative. Fixed-rate home-equity loans can help cover the cost of a single, large purchase, such a new roof on your home or an unexpected medical bill. And the HELOC provides a convenient way to cover short-term, recurring costs, such as the quarterly tuition for a four-year degree at a college.
Recognizing Pitfalls The main pitfall associated with home-equity loans is that they sometimes seem to be an easy solution for a borrower who may have fallen into a perpetual cycle of spending, borrowing, spending and sinking deeper into debt. Unfortunately, this scenario is so common the lenders have a term for it: reloading, which is basically the habit of taking a loan in order to pay off existing debt and free up additional credit, which the borrower then uses to make additional purchases.

Reloading leads to a spiraling cycle of debt that often convinces borrowers to turn to home-equity loans offering an amount worth 125% of the equity in the borrower's house. This type of loan often comes with higher fees because, as the borrower has taken out more money than the house is worth, the loan is not secured by collateral. Furthermore, the interest paid on the portion of the loan that is above the value of the home is not tax deductible.

If you are contemplating a loan that is worth more than your home, it might be time for a reality check. Were you unable to live within your means when you owed only 100% of the value of your home? If so, it will likely be unrealistic to expect that you'll be better off when you increase your debt by 25%, plus interest and fees. This could become a slippery slope to bankruptcy.

Another pitfall may arise when homeowners take out a home-equity loan to finance home improvements. While remodeling the kitchen or bathroom generally adds value to a house, improvements such as a swimming pool may be worth more in the eyes of the homeowner than the market determining the resale value. If you're going into debt to make cosmetic changes to your house, try to determine whether the changes add enough value to cover their costs.

Paying for a child's college education is another popular reason for taking out home-equity loans. If, however, the borrowers are nearing retirement, they do need to determine how the loan may affect their ability to accomplish their goals. It may be wise for near-retirement borrowers to seek out other options with their children.

Should You Tap the Equity in Your Home?
Food, clothing and shelter are life's basic necessities, but only shelter can be leveraged for cash. Despite the risk involved, it is easy to be tempted into using home equity to splurge on expensive luxuries. To avoid the pitfalls of reloading, conduct a careful review of your financial situation before you borrow against your home. Make sure that you understand the terms of the loan and have the means to make the payments without compromising other bills and comfortably repay the debt on or before its due date.

Definition : Equity Loan

An equity loan is a mortgage placed on real estate in exchange for cash to the borrower. For example, if a person owns a home worth $100,000, but does not currently have a lien on it, they may take an equity loan at 80% loan to value (LTV) or $80,000 in cash in exchange for a lien on title placed by the lender of the equity loan.

Many lending institutions require the borrower to repay only an interest component of the loan each month (calculated daily, and compounded to the loan once each month). The borrower can apply any surplus funds to the outstanding loan principal at any time, reducing the amount of interest calculated from that day onwards. Some loan products also allow the possibility to redraw cash up to the original LTV, potentially perpetuating the life of the loan beyond the original loan term.

The rate of interest applied to equity loans is much lower than that applied to unsecured loans, such as credit card debt. The reasoning behind this is that equity loans involve collateral, and credit card debt does not.

When Your Home Is On The Line

When Your Home is on the Line: What You Should Know About Home Equity Lines of Credit. Illustration of a house with trees in the background. More and more lenders are offering home equity lines of credit. By using the equity in your home, you may qualify for a sizable amount of credit, available for use when and how you please, at an interest rate that is relatively low. Furthermore, under the tax law--depending on your specific situation--you may be allowed to deduct the interest because the debt is secured by your home.

If you are in the market for credit, a home equity plan may be right for you. Or perhaps another form of credit would be better.

Before making a decision, you should weigh carefully the costs of a home equity line against the benefits. Shop for the credit terms that best meet your borrowing needs without posing undue financial risk. And remember, failure to repay the amounts you've borrowed, plus interest, could mean the loss of your home.

What is a home equity line?
What should you look for?
How will you repay your home equity plan?

Lines of credit vs. traditional second mortgage loans
Disclosures from lenders

What is a home equity line of credit?

A home equity line of credit is a form of revolving credit in which your home serves as collateral. Because the home is likely to be a consumer's largest asset, many homeowners use their credit lines only for major items such as education, home improvements, or medical bills and not for day-to-day expenses.

With a home equity line, you will be approved for a specific amount of credit--your credit limit, the maximum amount you may borrow at any one time under the plan. Many lenders set the credit limit on a home equity line by taking a percentage (say, 75 percent) of the home's appraised value and subtracting from that the balance owed on the existing mortgage. For example,

In determining your actual credit limit, the lender will also consider your ability to repay, by looking at your income, debts, and other financial obligations as well as your credit history.

Many home equity plans set a fixed period during which you can borrow money, such as 10 years. At the end of this "draw period," you may be allowed to renew the credit line. If your plan does not allow renewals, you will not be able to borrow additional money once the period has ended. Some plans may call for payment in full of any outstanding balance at the end of the period. Others may allow repayment over a fixed period (the "repayment period"), for example, 10 years.

Once approved for a home equity line of credit, you will most likely be able to borrow up to your credit limit whenever you want. Typically, you will use special checks to draw on your line. Under some plans, borrowers can use a credit card or other means to draw on the line.

There may be limitations on how you use the line. Some plans may require you to borrow a minimum amount each time you draw on the line (for example, $300) and to keep a minimum amount outstanding. Some plans may also require that you take an initial advance when the line is set up.

What should you look for when shopping for a plan?

If you decide to apply for a home equity line of credit, look for the plan that best meets your particular needs. Read the credit agreement carefully, and examine the terms and conditions of various plans, including the annual percentage rate (APR) and the costs of establishing the plan. The APR for a home equity line is based on the interest rate alone and will not reflect the closing costs and other fees and charges, so you'll need to compare these costs, as well as the APRs, among lenders.

Interest rate charges and related plan features
Home equity lines of credit typically involve variable rather than fixed interest rates. The variable rate must be based on a publicly available index (such as the prime rate published in some major daily newspapers or a U.S. Treasury bill rate); the interest rate for borrowing under the home equity line changes, mirroring fluctuations in the value of the index. Most lenders cite the interest rate you will pay as the value of the index at a particular time plus a "margin," such as 2 percentage points. Because the cost of borrowing is tied directly to the value of the index, it is important to find out which index is used, how often the value of the index changes, and how high it has risen in the past as well as the amount of the margin.

Lenders sometimes offer a temporarily discounted interest rate for home equity lines--a rate that is unusually low and may last for only an introductory period, such as 6 months.

Variable-rate plans secured by a dwelling must, by law, have a ceiling (or cap) on how much your interest rate may increase over the life of the plan. Some variable-rate plans limit how much your payment may increase and how low your interest rate may fall if interest rates drop.

Some lenders allow you to convert from a variable interest rate to a fixed rate during the life of the plan, or to convert all or a portion of your line to a fixed-term installment loan.

Plans generally permit the lender to freeze or reduce your credit line under certain circumstances. For example, some variable-rate plans may not allow you to draw additional funds during a period in which the interest rate reaches the cap.

Costs of establishing and maintaining a home equity line
Many of the costs of setting up a home equity line of credit are similar to those you pay when you buy a home. For example,

A fee for a property appraisal to estimate the value of your home
An application fee, which may not be refunded if you are turned down for credit
Up-front charges, such as one or more points (one point equals 1 percent of the credit limit)
Closing costs, including fees for attorneys, title search, and mortgage preparation and filing; property and title insurance; and taxes.

In addition, you may be subject to certain fees during the plan period, such as annual membership or maintenance fees and a transaction fee every time you draw on the credit line.

You could find yourself paying hundreds of dollars to establish the plan. If you were to draw only a small amount against your credit line, those initial charges would substantially increase the cost of the funds borrowed. On the other hand, because the lender's risk is lower than for other forms of credit, as your home serves as collateral, annual percentage rates for home equity lines are generally lower than rates for other types of credit. The interest you save could offset the costs of establishing and maintaining the line. Moreover, some lenders waive some or all of the closing costs.

How will you repay your home equity plan?

Before entering into a plan, consider how you will pay back the money you borrow. Some plans set minimum payments that cover a portion of the principal (the amount you borrow) plus accrued interest. But (unlike with the typical installment loan) the portion that goes toward principal may not be enough to repay the principal by the end of the term. Other plans may allow payment of interest alone during the life of the plan, which means that you pay nothing toward the principal. If you borrow $10,000, you will owe that amount when the plan ends.

Regardless of the minimum required payment, you may choose to pay more, and many lenders offer a choice of payment options. Many consumers choose to pay down the principal regularly as they do with other loans. For example, if you use your line to buy a boat, you may want to pay it off as you would a typical boat loan.

Whatever your payment arrangements during the life of the plan--whether you pay some, a little, or none of the principal amount of the loan--when the plan ends you may have to pay the entire balance owed, all at once. You must be prepared to make this "balloon payment" by refinancing it with the lender, by obtaining a loan from another lender, or by some other means. If you are unable to make the balloon payment, you could lose your home.

If your plan has a variable interest rate, your monthly payments may change. Assume, for example, that you borrow $10,000 under a plan that calls for interest-only payments. At a 10 percent interest rate, your monthly payments would be $83. If the rate rises over time to 15 percent, your monthly payments will increase to $125. Similarly, if you are making payments that cover interest plus some portion of the principal, your monthly payments may increase, unless your agreement calls for keeping payments the same throughout the plan period.

If you sell your home, you will probably be required to pay off your home equity line in full immediately. If you are likely to sell your home in the near future, consider whether it makes sense to pay the up-front costs of setting up a line of credit. Also keep in mind that renting your home may be prohibited under the terms of your agreement.

Lines of credit vs. traditional second mortgage loans

If you are thinking about a home equity line of credit, you might also want to consider a traditional second mortgage loan. A second mortgage provides you with a fixed amount of money repayable over a fixed period. In most cases the payment schedule calls for equal payments that will pay off the entire loan within the loan period. You might consider a second mortgage instead of a home equity line if, for example, you need a set amount for a specific purpose, such as an addition to your home.

In deciding which type of loan best suits your needs, consider the costs under the two alternatives. Look at both the APR and other charges. Do not, however, simply compare the APRs, because the APRs on the two types of loans are figured differently:

The APR for a traditional second mortgage loan takes into account the interest rate charged plus points and other finance charges.
The APR for a home equity line of credit is based on the periodic interest rate alone. It does not include points or other charges.

Disclosures from lenders

The federal Truth in Lending Act requires lenders to disclose the important terms and costs of their home equity plans, including the APR, miscellaneous charges, the payment terms, and information about any variable-rate feature. And in general, neither the lender nor anyone else may charge a fee until after you have received this information. You usually get these disclosures when you receive an application form, and you will get additional disclosures before the plan is opened. If any term (other than a variable-rate feature) changes before the plan is opened, the lender must return all fees if you decide not to enter into the plan because of the change.

When you open a home equity line, the transaction puts your home at risk. If the home involved is your principal dwelling, the Truth in Lending Act gives you 3 days from the day the account was opened to cancel the credit line. This right allows you to change your mind for any reason. You simply inform the lender in writing within the 3-day period. The lender must then cancel its security interest in your home and return all fees--including any application and appraisal fees--paid to open the account.

Jumat, 14 November 2008


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memastikan bahwa PCMAV Cleaner & PCMAV RealTime Protector lebih
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Link Download : 4shared.com

Jumat, 07 November 2008

Affiliate Marketing Tips

Today, many of us want to pack up our jobs and be our own bosses. The idea of working for you attracts many. However, the reality of making it happen soon stops most. In fact the vast majority of us cannot get a business off the ground due to 2 main factors; the first being money and the second being risk.

Starting even a small business takes a fair amount of money. You need to buy or rent premises, purchase your stock and equipment and pay staff if you have them. You will also have other outside expenses such as advertising.

Risk is the factor that kills most businesses off. Even if you’re lucky enough to get the capital to start, nearly 90% of all small businesses fail in the first year. If yours is one of the lucky ones, you have to keep reinvesting your time and money to build up the businesses reputation. It could be anywhere from 5-7 years before any significant profit is seen. Most of us cannot wait that long which is what makes affiliate marketing such an attractive offer.

Affiliate marketing involves you, working as an affiliate for a merchant or company. You sell either goods or services and you’re paid on how much you produce. There are no costs and no risk. You put in what you choose and are rewarded accordingly.

Running an affiliate marketing business is challenging. You’ll have to work very hard to build it up. However, you’ll be rewarded for your hard work not someone else. Getting an affiliate marketing program going may seem difficult. The truth is it is down to you and how much you want to put in. There is no sure fire way to success but there are some good tips that you can follow to make you affiliate marketing scheme as successful as possible.

There are literally thousands of programs for you to choose from. However, to get started you may want to choose something that you are familiar with. This product or service may not be the hottest thing on the current market or make you a millionaire, but you will come off more confident and sincere with something you know and believe in.

This will also help when it comes to creating your site. Something familiar will allow you to be personal and creative. Trying to create a site around something you know little about will soon become boring and tedious.

Working with something familiar will also give you the some experience in the program. You can always expand at a latter time when you are more familiar with how things work.

Another good piece of advice is to watch the number of banners that you put up. A site full of banners will make the site look ugly and put off potential buyers. Carefully place your banners and use them to accent your site. Stuffing it full will not help.

Remember, in the world of affiliate marketing there is no such thing as the perfect program. Any particular program will be stuffed full of varying testimonials. Some will be great will others will have not done so well. You need to decide for yourself and not be put of by a few bad experiences. In the end it is down to you and how much you want to put in.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money and work for you. The risk to you is minimal and there is no start up cost. There are many great affiliate marketing programs out there and choosing the right one may seem like a daunting task. When you first start out remember to stick to what you know. Find something you know about and have an interest in. Make your site attractive to others and resist the urge to fill it with banners. This may end up having the opposite of your desired effect. Finally remember, there is no perfect program. Some will have success where others have failed. It is all down to you. Don’t give up.

Selasa, 04 November 2008

Marketing Tips : Joint Venture

JV or Joint Venture is the greatest way to do business on the
Internet today and if you are looking for great profits and
lowest overheads this is the highway you should take. As with
everything big or small - before you start you need to make
ground preparations. The same stands true with the JV as well.


The most basic of all is to find out who is in the market
selling the same things you do; in other words identify your
competitors and check out their strengths and weaknesses as
best as you can.

Once they are identified you would be able to
concentrate on your niche and your product better. You would
also be able to identify which of the competitors would be a
good option to lure as JV partner. You would be surprised to
see how many success stories are there owing to JVs between


This is all you need – two steps. However, each one of these
needs to be prepared and effected carefully and thoroughly:

1. Testing of the product – when you launch a product in the
market the first thing needed is testing it. You cannot risk
sinking money into a non-starter or non-selling product. The
best way to do this in an inexpensive way is to find ezines
that target your market segment and advertise there.

Ensure that you test you ad copy before launching it; the same
stands true if you have an opt-in email list. Testing would ]
help you correct your advertisement with the least waste of
resources while ensuring the best results possible.

2. Arm yourself with effective sales tools – when you get
your JV partners you would need to offer them tools to sell your
product(s). These tools should be excellent in terms of
effectiveness and user-friendliness. This is why you need to
prepare all of these with great care. Some suggestions are:

a. Classifieds – test and write some excellent classifieds
that can be used later by any of your JV partners.

b. Advertisements – solo ads are more expensive but get the
better response and return on investment (ROI). These work
wherever posted once they are tested and passed as effective.

c. Web content – one of the greatest ways to attract market
write articles for ezine of your competitors. In this way you
could advertise your product with their help while they get
great material for higher ranking. It is win-win situation.

d. Write great endorsements as if they come from your partners
highlighting the best features of your product. Most of the
your partners would agree to it and save them the time.

e. Follow-up emails – this is a very crucial aspect of sales.
This could be a course or report with which the JV partners can
make a point regarding your product.

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008


Majalah PC Media edisi 11/2008 yang disertai ekstra DVD Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition SP1 telah terbit. Bersamaan itu pula, PC Media Antivirus kembali dirilis. Pada rilis kali ini, PCMAV 1.8 mampu mengenali dan mengatasi 2.254 virus beserta variannya yang banyak dilaporkan menyebar luas di Indonesia.

Walau pada versi sebelumnya PCMAV telah dapat menggunakan engine ClamAV 0.94 terbaru untuk tambahan pendeteksian 400.000 virus lebih, namun baru di PCMAV 1.8 inilah dinyatakan secara resmi penggunaannya.

Beberapa virus yang butuh penanganan khusus, seperti virus Virgear atau Tiara-Alimah yang dapat menginfeksi file .DOC, maka pada PCMAV 1.8 disertakan pula engine cleaner khusus untuk membasmi virus tersebut secara tuntas serta memulihkan dokumen yang terinfeksi.

a.Ditambahkan, database pengenal dan pembersih 73 virus
lokal/asing/varian baru yang dilaporkan menyebar di Indonesia.
Total 2254 virus beserta variannya yang banyak beredar di
Indonesia telah dikenal di versi 1.8 ini oleh engine internal PCMAV.

b.Ditambahkan, cleaner khusus untuk virus Tiara-Alimah yang dapat
menginfeksi file .DOC.

c.Ditambahkan, cleaner khusus untuk virus Virgear.

d.Diperbaiki, kesalahan deteksi (false alarm) heuristik pada beberapa
program dan script.

e.Diperbarui, perubahan beberapa nama virus mengikuti varian baru yang

f.Perbaikan beberapa minor bug dan improvisasi kode internal untuk
memastikan bahwa PCMAV Cleaner & PCMAV RealTime Protector lebih
dari sekadar antivirus biasa.

Link Download : PCMAV 1.8

Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

Definition "INSURANCE"

Health Insurance
Learn about the various kinds of health insurance available, including HMOs, PPOs, FFS plans, and Medicare. Find information about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of plan to help you decide what plan is best for you.

Life Insurance
Includes all you need to know about provisions and types of life insurance policies. Learn about incontestable provisions, suicide provisions, reinstatement clauses, excluded risks, and settlement options. Once you speak the lingo, read up on the different types of life insurance: Term life, cash value, whole life, single premium life, universal life, variable life, and variable universal life.

Disability and Long Term Care Insurance
Everything you ever needed or wanted to know about disability and long term care insurance. Disability topics include short and long term disability, and social security. Long term care topics include information on policies and why you should seriously consider this type of insurance.

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008

Powerful Internet Marketing - 6 Steps to Make Money Through Internet Marketing

Learning how to effectively promote your products and your website online is undoubtedly the key to boost your profits. The more effective your internet marketing strategies are, the better you will be able connect to your potential clients and the higher your sales potential will get.

Here's how you can make money through internet marketing:

1. The first thing that you need to do is to optimize your web content. If you want your website to become highly searchable online, you better make sure that its content can be easily read by both search engines and online users. Search spiders will index your website higher if your content is highly relevant to the keywords and keyphrases that you are targeting.

2. Update your website on a regular basis. You need to make sure that your visitors will find something new each time they decide to access your website. You must post relevant articles, images, podcasts, and informative video on a regular basis (on a daily basis if possible).

3. Go with PPC advertising. Leverage the search engine traffic by bidding for relevant keywords that best describe your products and services so you can easily promote your products and your website online. This can help you attract more interested parties even if your website is not doing well on natural search.

4. Use article marketing. If you'd rather advertise your product and your website for free, I highly recommend that you use article marketing. Currently, this is regarded as the most effective traffic-generating and product promotion tool by most internet marketers. To boost the benefits that this tool can offer, you must make sure that your articles are well-written and well-distributed.

5. Take advantage of social media. You can also promote product awareness by using wikis, podcasts, web logs, internet forums, instant messaging, social networking sites, Google/Yahoo groups, video sites (like YouTube), photo sharing websites, etc. that will help you reach more people who might be interested on what you offer.

6. Go with blog marketing. More and more people now prefer accessing blogs than corporate websites because they usually offer practical information and they are usually much easier to understand. Take advantage of this and blog about your website and your products and services. You can use this to properly build up you offerings and make them more enticing to the eyes of your potential clients.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Breakthrough Internet Marketing - Discover 4 Secrets to Breakthrough With Internet Marketing

Do you want to make some serious noise online? Do you want to increase the popularity of your website so you can generate more quality search engine traffic? Do you want to easily promote product awareness among your customer base to improve your sales leads? Then, you will need to know how to breakthrough with internet marketing. Here's how you can do that:

1. Use article marketing. Distributing your articles online is one powerful method in driving interested parties to your website and strengthening your expert status online. This can help you not only earn numerous quality inbound links but it can also help you secure great page ranking on major search engines. The key to dominate this field is to ensure the quality of your articles and to augment the number of your copies.

2. Forum posting. This is another great, free way of advertising your website, your products, and yourself online. This will require you to spend at least a couple of hours everyday mingling with your potential clients on relevant forums. You can answer their questions or you can provide solutions to their pressing issues so you can earn their trust. You just have to ensure that the forum administrators will allow you to include links on your posts so you can drive your target market to your website.

3. List building. Your internet marketing strategies should not end the moment you were able to send interested parties to your website. Remember, not all of your visitors will buy the first time they access your website. That is why, it is a must that you know how to contact them so you can easily make a follow-up. Post opt-in forms on your website and blog to convince your potential clients to subscribe. You can also use squeeze pages or consider giving away freebies to augment the number of your registrations.

4. Ezine publishing. Once you have created a big and quality opt-in list, you may publish your own ezine so you can further strengthen your expert status online. You can send interested parties valuable newsletters on a regular basis so you can give them valuable information that can help them out in improving the quality of their lives. Remember, if you are able to help these people, they are most likely to become loyal to you and your products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.